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Comic Book Wednesday

Thursday, August 17

Actually got to this one before the weekend. Sweet!

Whatever edge Robin had after its One Year Later stint has just lost it. True however that I very much enjoyed the team up of Capt. Boomerang with the Boy Wonder, it's just that nothing of worth is happening anymore.

Ion is now starting to read like they Kyle Rayner stories I've enjoyed in the past. Plus it has Hal Jordan in it, but it's NOT the Hal Jordan show. Me likey.

Alright, 52, Spolier Warning: .... Guess what? Booster Gold died! Don't know who that is? Well, guess you just had to be there.

The Boys: Well, this one isn't exactly mine, at least I wasn't going to buy it until my girlfriend kinda grabbed it and put it on my stash this week. You can tell that it's written by Garth Ennis, that guy who did Punisher and other comics with really violent wrong things in them. After reading it, I wasn't like, "Damn, I gotta keep reading this!"... so I'll have to make sure the girlfriend doesn't come with me to the store in a month. Heh. I did get a free autographed poster out of the deal... which I will treasure for the rest of my life. Or something like that.

Civil War: X-Men: So where's the conflict in this one? Oh, some corrupt government guy with a grudge against mutants, USING a mutant to defeat a group of... mutants. Didn't.... didn't I see this in a movie before? With a ... ah ... bunch of mutants? *cough* X2? *cough*

And finally, my late arrival... a comic that was actually delivered to my door step... now THAT'S service. Thanks Greg. So The Walking Dead #30... how was it? Well it finally touched upon some characters that haven't been seen for a while due to a climatic last few issues worth of story. So it was nice to see they were still around at least. I'd be curious to see how this arc finally pays off.

Comics kick ass... see ya later.
posted by Gjskier (Kal), 9:22 PM


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