Day of the Dead Pages
Tuesday, November 15
Here's something I've been sitting on for a while.
These were are the first two pages of Dead Dog Comic's Day of the Dead #1. They're the pencils and inks done by Greg Smallwood without such bothersome things like color or text.
Wait, did I say were? As in past tense? Yeah, I kinda did. That's the other thing I forgot to mention.
I will admit, I'm one of Smallwood's biggest fans. So whatever he does, I'm gonna cheer him on. However, I was sad when this fell through, only for the fact it would have been great to hold a copy in my hands. As with life, shit happens.
I was going to do a little Q & A with him, but just never got around to it. However I discovered he's recently started a blog himself, and pretty much discribed the whole mess himself. So I'll let him.