Tuesday, June 3
Because of Memorial Day, comic deliveries across the nation were pushed back a day. Even though a lot came out in the past two weeks, I was content with waiting an additional week before picking them up.
That was until my woman, whom was traveling in the vicinity of my comic book store, made my ComicQuest for me, and got my stash. Here is what two weeks of comics looks like to me.
Batman and the Outsiders #7
Birds of Prey #118
Justice League of America #21
Justice Society of America #15
Robin #174
Hawaiian Dick #4
The Walking Dead Special Edition #1
Avengers: Initiative #14
Mighty Avengers #14
Batman #677
Final Crisis #1
Green Lantern #31
Teen Titans #59
Astounding Wolf-Man #6
Proof #8
The Sword #8
Giant Size Astonishing X-Men #1
New Avengers #41
Thor #9
Uncanny X-Men #498
X-Men Legacy #212
Young Avengers Presents #5
That was until my woman, whom was traveling in the vicinity of my comic book store, made my ComicQuest for me, and got my stash. Here is what two weeks of comics looks like to me.
Batman and the Outsiders #7
Birds of Prey #118
Justice League of America #21
Justice Society of America #15
Robin #174
Hawaiian Dick #4
The Walking Dead Special Edition #1
Avengers: Initiative #14
Mighty Avengers #14
Batman #677
Final Crisis #1
Green Lantern #31
Teen Titans #59
Astounding Wolf-Man #6
Proof #8
The Sword #8
Giant Size Astonishing X-Men #1
New Avengers #41
Thor #9
Uncanny X-Men #498
X-Men Legacy #212
Young Avengers Presents #5