Happy Wednesday!
Wednesday, May 14
So I'm reading this book by Kevin Smith, the kind of celebrity I think most comic book fanboys someday hope to become... but probably thinner. Not to say that he's an obese man. But I digress, in this book today I came across a new term or phrase that I think describes my bi-weekly trips to the comic book store on Happy Wednesdays - he calls it a "comiquest". I liked the new word and so now I shall adopt it as my own to use.
Ugh, cursed these rising gas prices. What the hell America? Did we get our stimulus checks just to help cover the gas prices for the year? I'm going to have to start going for comics once every three weeks instead of two. Kinda takes the joy out of a weekly periodical. But for these two weeks, I feel it's worth it. Here's what I'm hoping to grab up.
Infinity Inc. #9
Supergirl #29
Avengers/Invaders #1
Mighty Avengers #13
Secret Invasion #2
Young X-Men #2
The Boys #18
Batman #676
Booster Gold #9
Green Arrow Black Canary #8
Green Lantern Corps #24
Titans #2
Wonder Woman #20
Walking Dead #49
X-Men Legacy #211