Heroes - "Seven Minutes to Midnight": Thoughts
Thursday, November 16
"Seven Minutes to Midnight"? Who names these things?
Anyway... another interesting chapter in Heroes. I say interesting because there's been more to the reveal to what the hell is going on, but otherwise a slow episode. Kinda weird to have it both ways but there you have it.
Episode 8 does, at last, confirm Mr. Bennett’s status — not as a villain, but rather as a sort of anti-hero. He’s a man who is doing whatever it takes (be it cooking up heroin for a clairvoyant junkie or probing a telepath’s head) to save his daughter, given the knowledge and wealth he possesses. It remains to be seen, however, whether saving New York (presumably from Ted, the radioactive man) is a priority, or merely a convenient byproduct of his daughter, Claire’s, salvation.
Hiro and Ando stop in at a diner in Texas, only to meet Charlie, a waitress with a hard drive for a brain. Sylar waits patiently to make his move and, when Hiro and Ando’s attention is diverted, gives poor Charlie the head slice treatment. Hiro journeys into the past to save Charlie, so no worries about her pretty head, but who is Sylar and why is he killing heroes?
Last, but certainly worth mention, are the psychedelic astral trips Mohinder Suresh has been taking back home in India. They provide some insight into both his father’s death and his family history. Is this Mohinder’s ability, finally revealed? Or is there something else at play? His mother confirms the life and death of a little sister Mohinder never new about, who was a very “special” little girl…