Stuff I'm Reading
Saturday, September 1
Here's a quick rundown of a few comics I'm currently reading that I'm really enjoying right now.

Thor: Just recently started off with a new #1, a character I haven't even really read much of because he's been "dead" for a few years now. I gave this title a first time shot with Thor #1 and have been enjoying it thus far. Future issues look promising and the art and writing are great!

Sub-Mariner: There's no secret here, I'm a big fan of Aquaman... however DC has pretty much killed his character for me right now, so here's the next best thing, Marvel's version of Aquaman - Namor! However, this is how I feel this character should be, kick... ass.
Too Bad it's only a mini-series, I would buy this monthly.

X-Men: I get quite a few X-Men titles everymonth, and for a time, this particular title was never really my favorite. As it goes, it really does depend on the storyline. New X-Men used to be my top X-title, but then they did a storyline with art that didn't really click, and then Uncanny went a different direction, and don't get me started on Astonishing X-Men, it has a great creative team... it just doesn't really come out monthly anymore.
Right now, X-Men is hitting on all cylinders. Who would have ever guessed I'd be an X-fan.
Alright, notice anything strange about the short run-down above? Yup, no DC titles what-so-ever. I even flipped through my collection one quick time. Green Lantern is the only one that comes close with a good story right now. Although, the best recent comic I've read has been Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps #1. But as far as the monthly issues, Marvel's doing a great job.

Thor: Just recently started off with a new #1, a character I haven't even really read much of because he's been "dead" for a few years now. I gave this title a first time shot with Thor #1 and have been enjoying it thus far. Future issues look promising and the art and writing are great!

Sub-Mariner: There's no secret here, I'm a big fan of Aquaman... however DC has pretty much killed his character for me right now, so here's the next best thing, Marvel's version of Aquaman - Namor! However, this is how I feel this character should be, kick... ass.
Too Bad it's only a mini-series, I would buy this monthly.

X-Men: I get quite a few X-Men titles everymonth, and for a time, this particular title was never really my favorite. As it goes, it really does depend on the storyline. New X-Men used to be my top X-title, but then they did a storyline with art that didn't really click, and then Uncanny went a different direction, and don't get me started on Astonishing X-Men, it has a great creative team... it just doesn't really come out monthly anymore.
Right now, X-Men is hitting on all cylinders. Who would have ever guessed I'd be an X-fan.
Alright, notice anything strange about the short run-down above? Yup, no DC titles what-so-ever. I even flipped through my collection one quick time. Green Lantern is the only one that comes close with a good story right now. Although, the best recent comic I've read has been Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps #1. But as far as the monthly issues, Marvel's doing a great job.