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My Inner Gammer Unleashed!

Monday, October 23

In over the span of about a week and a half I've been overwelmed by the amount of video games I have come into posession. In no particular order:

Scarface: The World is Yours: I've barely played Scarface, although if you have time to watch the trailer for it, and if you're a fan of the movie... I highly recommend watching it. I have yet to see the movie, which is a sin I know, but the trailer sold me. It looks like Grand Theft Auto III with Al Pacino.

Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA: Continuing in the line of me owning every DDR for the PS2, I picked this one up. I've not played it, due to my dance pads being currently boxed up , nor do I know what songs are on it. All I know is I own it. That makes me happy.

Destroy All Humans 2: Never played the first one, although I've heard good things. I've wanted to play it, but now I have the second one to test drive. When I get to it.

Family Guy: The Video Game: Played this for a little while. It has the same type of humor as the show (because it has the same writers) and even same cast doing voices (which is great!). It has very enjoyable cut scenes between the action, but there enlies the rub... the parts where you play. I just don't see it as a video game very well. That, and at times it can be a little tough to play. Eh.

Bully: Well, I just thought I'd give this one a try. The only thing it's got going for it is it's by the same folks who brought us the Grand Theft Auto series on PS2 and Ping Pong for X-Box 360. Haven't played much of a level yet, but I will mention this: It has a huge load time at the beginning... feel free and knit a sweater during that time.

Justice League Heroes: Got a first glimpse of this game in San Diego. First impressions had it feeling like a clone of X-Men Legends... and I guess for the most part it is, I haven't played that game yet. However I, being a self proclaimed "DC Comic" fan, went into this game un enthusiastic. I didn't think I'd like it. But I've been playing this one the most out of all of the rest. And it's just a button smasher for the most part. I'm reminded of games such as Gaunlet Legends.

Anywho, wish I could just kill all sorts of time playing all of these. Truth be told, I'll be glad if I finish one or two.
posted by Gjskier (Kal), 11:56 AM


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