Heroes - “Collision": Thoughts
Friday, October 20
This weeks episode had a change of pace, I actually watched it with a bunch of my friends over at a friends house. It was a Heroes party, minus the snacks (Thanks for the water though).
So far every episode has ended with a nice cliffhanger, so at the start of each episode, there's some explaining to do. At the end of chapter three, things looked grim for Claire who apparently received a deadly blow to the head. Luckily for our indestructible cheerleader, she doesn’t let a little thing like fatal head trauma slow her down. The scene in the morgue is grotesque, but wonderfully so. Claire holds herself together amazingly well (allthings considered), even when she runs into the quarterback who tried to rape her and then left her for dead. But after finding out she's not his only victim, she becomes somewhat... vengful, and takes justice into her own hands.
Again, Hiro is the most entertaining character on this show. The scense between him and his english speaking friend Ando play off each other so well. The references to "Rain Man" and to Peter Parker were very funny.
While Hiro and his buddy make their mark in Las Vegas, Niki has been “persuaded” to entertain a visiting politician to help obtain some leverage. Niki runs into everyone’s least favorite Petrelli and begins to seduce him. She is unable to go through with it, however, until “Mirror Niki” takes control (after putting the beat down on Linderman’s thug!) Funny how three of the main characters end up in Vegas all in the same day.
The key story this week, however, is the introduction of Peter to Mohinder. Peter confesses to the scientist that he has special abilities. Most surprising is his revelations that he can only fly in the presence of his brother and that after being around Isaac he could paint the future. The revelation he makes is surprising, but it fits. Apparently Peter is a mimic, inheriting the powers of the “heroes” around him.
While Hiro seems to be the only one with a hero’s code in mind, Claire has shown her willingness to help those in need. Niki is trying to survive and make a better life for her son. Although her aspirations are noble, she must rely on “Mirror Niki” to handle the nasty details. Surprisingly, it is Isaac who wants to be a “hero,” and he is willing to sacrifice his own health to his heroin addiction in order to keep painting the future. Perhaps one day Peter will show him how to unlock his potential without the need for drugs.
I liked this episode very much. Best Line: “Niki’s not here right now.” Best Moment: The final scene on the subway. Looking forward to more!