Hollywoodland... The Movie!
Wednesday, September 13
Last Sunday I had off from work and I had planned on seeing this "Superman" movie called Hollywoodland that had this "great comeback" acting role by Ben Affleck.
I gathered up some friends to accompany me to go to the local multiplex to see it. A short 2 hours and six minutes later, I wasn't all too impressed with the film. It wasn't bad, I just hyped it up that I thought it was going to be a lot better.
I knew going into it that it was going to be about the dectective work delt around George Reeve's death, but I was hoping for more "Superman" stuff. Plus I'm not that big of an Adrien Brody fan, so that didn't help. But the critics are right about Ben's performance in this movie. I think he did a great job, infact, he won a best acting award for it already in Venice. Perhaps there will be some Oscar buzz for him next year? I hope so.
After the movie, a few of my friends accompanied my girlfriend and I back to my house where we stayed till about midnight. I bought some pizza and we all ended up playing boardgames.
Oh, and I now hate Trivia Pursiut. The game is the devil.