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Comic Book Run

Sunday, September 10

First off... in honor of my recent comic book store closing, I whipped this up pic (above) in the wee morning hours of Sunday. Classic.

(If you don't get the reference you a.) don't know comics and b.) should do a google image search of "Spider-man no more" and you'll get it.)

So this would be my first week without new comics since Limited Figures & Comics opened its doors in Leavenworth. I did go to a comic book store though, so at least I flipped through the latest issue of 52 to see what was going on. I'll read it next week.

Went with a few of my comic friends (Mike and Greg) on Thursday to a few comic hot spots and so that they could pick up the second season of Lost, a show I've yet to fully give a chance to. It's day will come I suppose.

I did get to flesh out my collection of Young Avengers. Picked up a needed issue to Supreme Power. Almost have all my missing issues for a few comic runs.

Looking forward to two weeks worth of comics soon.
posted by Gjskier (Kal), 2:42 AM


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