Comic Book Wednesday
Saturday, July 1
Here's my stash for last week. Took me a while to actually read everything I've been so busy.
New Avengers... well, while the Marvel Civil War is going on, things in this book are going to start showcasing individual members and show what side they are on things. Unfortuanately this first issue featuring Captain America shows mostly half of what we already know from reading Civil War and the rest seems so much as just filler that doesn't really need for the story.
Although I've been enjoying Blue Beetle thus far, this issue really did nothing. Twenty two pages of nothing. I don't understand why writers don't just move storys along anymore?
Who can't pass up a comic book for a dollar? Especially with comics priced as they are today? DC Comics released Brave New World for $1, and unless you really cared about Crisis on Infinte Earths or even read comics in the mid 1980's, then this really was just a preview book for everybody else. This book, for the most part, showcased previews for six new titles (most limited, not on-going) including a New Atom, Creeper, and Trials of Shazam!
As much of a DC whore that I am, I was originally going to get just one of the six, a mini-series starting the Martian Manhunter... a character that I always felt didn't get as much play as any of the other "main seven" Justice Leaguers. After reading the short preview, I'm not sure I like the direction they're going. However, I'm now interested in the Trials of Shazam.
52 just brought the storyline along... introduced a few faces... obvious turns in the story.
Ion recaped a bit of Kyle's history, I think I've seen this issue once when he was the star of Green Lantern. Yeah, Deja Vu.
Finally Catwoman, in which we still don't know who is Catwoman's baby's daddy yet, wasn't too bad. I had enjoyed previous issues featuring this creepy villian who's into movies, who has been behind the scenes... however he was more proactive in this issue... and it seemed a bit out of place for the character. Eh?