Comic Book Wednesday
Friday, June 23
Another week, more comics. And this was a nice little handful of them too! Not to say all of them were any good. I'll just go left to right here.
Flash #1, a fresh start... and really, nothing much of interest happening already. There is only one speedster so far after the wonder that was Infinite Crisis, the original Flash, Jay Garrick. Nothing has been said about Wally West, the last Flash. And most of this issue focuses on the once Kid Flash, now powerless and aged about four years (again from IC), Bart Allen. I'm going to keep reading just to find out what the hell has happened with all the characters, but this first issue is just a let down. What the hell DC?
Again, like last week, 52 is finally starting to pick up interest as far as storylines go. It just needs a few more "moments" to get people to turn their heads and say "what the?".
Robin is my new Superboy. What that means is when I collected Superboy (before it was eventually cancelled) the stories would be good, and then perhaps by change in creative teams it would get bad again, but as a guilty pleasure I would still buy it. This is either the third or fourth time I've started to collect Robin again, and after a weak disappointing first couple of issues, it thankfully didn't end as bad as it could have, but still I'm left feeling victimized. Spoilers ahead... they took a popular character in the more recent Batgirl and turned her from a force of good to one of evil and for a really crappy reason. And out of character if you ask me. I don't know why the PTB would have even allowed this, but who am I?
Hey, here's some more crap and a waste of money... try Superman/Batman #27. Like an episode of Dallas... it was all a dream. NEXT!
Birds of Prey, which started out good, didn't follow through. At least we now have a new member of an old character, Gypsy, and a decent fight out of a JLA type villain.
Now that I've ranted about how I only liked 1 out of 5 DC Comics, let's move on to the rest.
Invincible. The last few issues have been slow and not too catching but this one was a rush of excitement. I forgot how good this could be. This is a great super-hero book.
What's that? It looks like the 90's. It is! And it's a Disney property. Well then it must be Gargoyles cause I sure wouldn't buy a Rescue Rangers comic. Or would I? Anyway... aside from the fact that it's attached to Disney, something that in most cases associates it with something "kiddy", it is very much something that transforms to comics and am glad to add it to my collection.
New Avengers and Uncanny X-Men wrap up their respective storylines and thank god for that. The normally enjoyable read that is New Avengers just couldn't end quick enough, and maybe it's just because I don't have an extensive knowledge of the X-men universe that I didn't quite find its mutant-centric storyline x-citing.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
I still don't know why I started picking up Uncanny, I only really seem to care about three characters on it's team, and apparently only two of those will carry over to the new team with the new creative team starting next issue. If only there were another X-men book out there that I could read instead.
Oh wait, there is and I collect it. Thanks New X-men.