Comic Book Wednesday
Wednesday, May 3
Insert something cleaver here about beginnings and endings.
DC's Infinite Crisis is over. A sad moment really because I've enjoyed most of this ride. Something that I hope carries over into 52 which starts NEXT WEEK for every week for a year. Heh. I'm loving it.
Supergirl finally jumped to a One Year Later storyline and I couldn't be happier. This book has been plagued by shipping delays galore. I like the series new artist Ed Benes too.
Teen Titans and Outsiders were good. I mean they weren't bad. Both letting on simple clues or nods to the missing year, 52 should be a good read.
Marvel's Civil War started this week as well. There was nothing in this issue that gave me a moment of pause of enjoyment or disbelief. I have no doubt the rest of this mini will get better with more "moments", but this first issue was kind of weak. Unless you really were a New Warriors fan, then your jaw was on the ground and you're pretty much screwed.