Comic Book Run
Saturday, January 7
So last Wednesday I ventured to Lawrence with the girlfriend to grab my stash o' comics. I knew that the current weeks' wasn't going to be there (because of the New Year's holiday). I wasn't too concerned. I just figured that if I went again in two weeks, I'd have three weeks worth of comic books waiting for me, and how happy would that make me!
A Comic noteworthy this week is Fallen Angel. A comic orginally published through DC Comics, now by IDW... which makes this another first in the collection. I followed this title done by one of my favorite comic writers Peter David from DC to it's new home.
I enjoyed the Wizard Magazine this month. Besides the fact that it's got tons of stuff on the new Superman movie (which at this point I'm still not building up for myself... incase it sucks), but also a lot of preview info for the coming year, which I forsee myself becoming more of a DC Comic whore.
During the trip to Lawrence, I was disappointed that one of my favorite resturants (a BBQ place called Quicks) was closed, but only on Wednesdays I found out. I've yet to find out why, but that sucks.
Ended up going to Best Buy to pick up a new PS2 game Guitar Hero (see below). Yeah, I'm happy now!
That was it for the trip. Plenty to keep me entertained for a while. I've still got comics to read. Later!