Guitar Hero
Monday, December 26

On Monday, my roommate's brother brought over a new gadget of his: Guitar Hero for the PS2.
I didn't know what to think of it at first, having played guitar and looking at this goofy plastic thing with multicolored buttons on it for chords. But after having played it, I loved it. It was fun.
I'm a big fan of Dance Dance Revolution, that's no secret, but other games of it's type, I've not really bought into (i.e. Frequency). I remember the site Penny-Arcade talking about playing Guitar Hero, and loving it, playing it for hours. This now I can believe.
The game itself has several songs. Good songs. New and old. I was impressed by the track selections, everything from Audioslave to Stevie Ray Vaughan and White Zombie to Boston.
Between taking turns with the brother, we played for hours till I forced myself from it.
Makes me want to pick up my guitar again. Hmm.....