One More Night...
Tuesday, October 11

Well, my evening was a lot better than my day. After eventually leaving work, I went to the Plaza to meet up with my friend Brian. My girlfriend had spoken to him earlier and apparently he had something for me. Eventually we found him talking with Greg where we conversed. A while had passed and Mike showed up to wisk Greg away on a lovely get away. We wished the merry couple a farewell, and the three of us ventured elsewhere to socialize.
Spotting Chad from the Dickinson Plaza 6 outside, we decided to bother him. Just yesterday Rachael and I ran into him at Applebee's when we were dining with Sheldon, recently moved back to Leavenworth. After chatting inside we moved things back inside the Plaza in front of the theatre where Kadie joined into the fray.
After standing beneath the show schedule, my girlfriend conjures up the idea to see Corpse Bride, something we've put off doing since it's theatrical release. I agree to this, first pointing out we still had to go home to change and grab a bite to eat.
After rushing a forced meal, about five minutes prior to leaving for the theatre, I get a phone call from what the caller id said was Credit Motors Inc. I let the answering machine pick up and on the other end is Mike, in distress! I pick up only to hear him explain that his car won't start and he was going to need at the very least a jump start, if not then a ride. I agree to load up and go out, and then my brain kicks in and reminds me I don't own any jumper cables, my room mate does... who of course wasn't home and kept them in his vehicle. And... AND, his passenger who happens to work at a phone store? Didn't bring his phone with him. So now I have to call the Credit Motors number and hope one of the two are still around to tell them this. Luckily the nice lady who answers found Greg and he tells me that I'm no longer needed, and the car is running. Um... ok. Sure.
SO! Now I'm back at the theatre with my girlfriend. We watch Corpse Bride, the latest offering of Hollywood madman Tim Burton. Naturally I compare it to The Nightmare Before Christmas, and why shouldn't I? On the outside it looks like the same film. Burton, Elfman, it's all there. But into the movie I noticed it didn't have that Disney flair to it, no... because this was a Warner Bros. film... and that means it had the good potienial to be a very crappy disappointing film. Cause Warner has this way of building something up on a pedestal, and if the right people aren't there to do something about it, the powers to be take the great idea and do something like cast Hale Berry as Catwoman. Something gay like that.
I will say that a lot of the same elements between 'Nightmare' and 'Corpse' where there. But whatever 'Corpse' had (or didn't have) at the beginning of the film, made up eventually in the end, where it almost just had a moment. And that moment redeemed the film, making it a decent movie. It was no 'Nightmare though'. Halloween Town and Jack Skellington just kicks ass.