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New Media Tuesday

Monday, October 3

New stuff, some old stuff, and some stuff I don't care about. Here's this week in media!

Disney released another classic from it's vault. I hate it when they say it like that. What vault? Anyway, the movie is Cinderella. "The original fairy tale", as it's called. I can appreciate it being a classic and all, but then Disney had to put in a few talking mice for good measure and that kind of just killed it.

Here's one I don't care about, Interpreter. It stars some people I don't care about and a storyline that I really don't care about. NEXT! Amityville Horror, the remake. I watched like the first fifteen minutes of the original and lost interest. I don't know how much the remake will hold true. But I'll probably end up seeing this one. Although I haven't heard too many good things about it. I'll give props to the original just cause it's a cult classic horror film.

House of D, I think that's the Robin Williams film. Can't say anything about that, don't know much about it. Man With the Screaming Brain. Think I'll have to get that one, just because it's really goofy and stars Bruce Campbell. Oh, and that screening thing I went to a month ago.

Music, well there's the new Nickelback. I don't know what the album is called but I just love the single "Photograph" on the radio, so it's a "must buy". Also, I'm curious about this band, Hinder. I like the song they have on the radio too (Something about getting stoned). Maybe an impulse buy?

I'm always late on video game releases. Recently out are Ultimate Spider-man and Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2. And incase you didn't know, I'm gonna let you know now: I'm a DDR fan. Yep, it's true. Although I don't have $40 to spend right now to get it, rest asured I will. DDR FREAK!
posted by Gjskier (Kal), 7:42 PM


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