A Day of Disappointments x2
Tuesday, October 7
My girlfriend for a little while had been interested in going on a "Haunted Tour" in Atchison. In an attempt to do something fun and exciting for her, I went to see about getting tickets. Online, the majority of the evening tours were already sold out. Cause let's face it, if you're going to go on a haunted tour.. you'd rather go at 8:00pm than 3:00pm. Right? So I go to click on a show, and there's only one ticket left. Damn. I go the next day for the same thing, only one ticket. So that's that.
After that I preceded to look into some EVE 6 tickets. Only like, one of my favorite 90's bands ever. Probably one of my top 5 bands. Oh yeah, I like the music. Anyway, I've known they were coming to KC since around July. Only just recently did a lot of information become available, but they were playing at Rockhurst University. Eh. So I call the University to find out more. They then tell me it's for students only. BAH! Foiled again!
Damn Damity Damn Damn!