What I'm Reading...
Friday, January 25
Damn, I hate it when I go this long without my stash. Although "technically" I only waited three weeks, I had four weeks worth of comics waiting for me. It's all because of those wacky holidays we had a month ago, but now those are over. Here's what I enjoyed the most.
Astonishing X-Men #24: Holy crap, even though it doesn't exactly come out on a monthly basis, it's still good stuff. And after reading this installment, it'll be probably another six weeks or so for this arc's grand slam double sized finale!
And speaking of X-Men... let's talk about this mega crossover in all the rest of the X-Men titles: Messiah Complex.
I finished reading up the last four of the thirteen chapter story where everybody and their mother is looking for the first newborn mutant to appear in many years. Messiah Complex started off kind of mild, typical crossover filler. However, being able to read these four books back to back makes me glad I waited the three weeks to do so. The fights, the twists, the deaths... everything you wouldn't expect to happen, and then everything you think would.
It was a great story, don't get me wrong. But now that it's over, there's a change a' coming... and it doesn't sit well with me at all. New X-Men, probably one of my favorite X-titles and the one that got me to collect three others, is being cancelled. There will be a few months with out it and then in April we get something called Young X-Men. What's in a name eh? Well, in a recent Newsarama article, this book ain't exactly looking like a replacement book. Oh, I'll get it, but I'm on the cautious side.
To top that off, the regular X-Men title is getting a name change to X-Men: Legacy, and I'm still not too sure what's going on with that, but it sounds weird... why the change is unknown, I think it's unnecessary. And of course, I'll give it a shot.
Green Lantern Corps #20: Because of the Sinestro Corps War, I'm getting this book again. And they're doing the right thing by keeping up with the (Earth) characters and diving right back into an interesting story though the rise of power by DC baddie Mongul. The war made a few interesting new status quo's, and I'm interested to see how those play out.
The Sword #4: Nice, nice... great book. It reads like an action movie. In fact, I hope it gets made into one someday. These first four issues have been an absolute blast and I recommend to anybody to pick the series up.
Young Avengers Presents #1 Patriot: Well, it's about damn time. I get into the series late in the game, and find that Young Avengers was a 12-issue series... on hold. Has it officially been "cancelled"? Kinda hard not to start at a new #1 when it does start back up again. But anyway, Marvel was so kind as to put out this first of six issues focusing on the kids that make up Young Avengers, just to fill us in on them and reflecting on current events. Like this issue featuring Patriot and the Death of Captain America. Let's hope sales are decent enough to get the point across, the kids are alright.