Comic Book Wednesday
Thursday, May 25
What a nice explosion of comic books. I like book heavy weeks like this one. And some very good reads here too.
Blue Beetle, I must say is getting good. Mostly when he's not doing superhero stuff, just around his family. I'm not disappointed so far for the change.
Catwoman is alright. So is 52 and Secret Six (a mini-series baised off of a mini-series Villians United).
Teen Titans was a boring issue cause I really don't give a damn about Beast Boy and the Doom Patrol whatsoever.
Squadron Supreme was good, wrapping up it's first arc. Both New Avengers and Green Lantern surpirsed me. Both have been lacking a little in the past. Avengers made me think about picking up a past Marvel event called House of M, and GL brought me back to the very days after I started to collect comics.
A good week for comic book reading.