New Comics Wednesday
Thursday, March 30

First one I read was New Avengers: Illuminati which was a good read. It's setting up the tensions between it's members Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Charles Xavier, Namor, Reed Richards, and Black Bolt of the Inhumans. It also expalins what lead up to the events of sending the Hulk into space. I can't believe how much I'm actually getting into the Marvel Universe. I still think DC is better, but probably more because of how much more I've already invested in it (both in actual comics and current knowledge of the DCU).
Also Marvel I picked up Uncanny X-Men, which is finishing up a story. It's alright I guess.
Green Lantern #10 picks up a year later. This one actually drops a few hints as to what happened during that missing year, as far as the nations of the DCU go. Also the introduction of.. the Sinestro Corps? Cool.
New, Blue Beetle #1. In it: the new Blue Beetle... some punk ass kid. Hey kid! Don't screw things up. I'm still upset that there's a new Firestorm.
Went to a book store next to my comic book store to pick up this cover of Infinite Crisis #5. Actually, I found out about it from a customer who was in the store at the time I was buying my comics. Thanks comic book guy.