Don't Tease Me... Movie Web Logs
Thursday, September 29

Was just surfing the internet last night, checking my favorite entertainment sites and came across these interesting tidbits.
After Jack Black is done discovering the world's most gigantic ape in Peter Jackson's KING KONG, we'll be seeing him alongside Kyle Gass in the movie that chronicles how a simple band called Tenacious D was destined for rock super stardom. How the rock gods smiled down on Jack and Kyle when they came together to form The D. It's called TENACIOUS D: PICK OF DESTINY and in keeping with The D's very dark sense of humor, the official site has recently been updated with another report from the "Hell O'Clock News". This one features some new live footage of The D performing so click over HERE to check it out. It opens March of next year.
CLERKS 2 doesn't start filming until later this year but Kevin Smith has already launched the official site complete with teaser trailer and video diary. The teaser trailer is very teaserish with only footage from the original movie with a classical score a la PASSION OF THE CHRIST. The video diary entry is, no surprise, similar to what Peter Jackson and Bryan Singer are up to, but with Smith's trademark humor. The site itself is billed as "A Video Journal Chronicling a Disaster in the Making" probably something you wouldn't see up on How often it will be updated remains to be seen as Smith had a similar production diary going on at while Jersey Girl was filming but was only updated three times during production. That said, Kevin has been updating his entertaining personal blog "My Boring Ass Life" rather regularly so one can only hope that will carry over to the CLERKS 2 blog. You can check it all out for yourself over at

Wow. During this one hour of television I managed to get goose-bumps three times. Two were actually from the show, one was for a uh.. Harry Potter commercial... *ahem*. ANYWAY, the show has slowly progressed, bringing in elements from the comic books. First we started with the main characters from Smallvillie PLUS Lex Luthor. Then you add Metropolis, the Daily Planet, Perry, Lois Lane, the Flash, and even Krypto. This stuff they brought in during four seasons.
Then we get last nights season premiere which introduced the Fortress of Solitude, two of Zod's heralds, the phantom zone, and a "Venom symbiote" version of Braniac. What else. We lost a very annoying character, Jason Teague, who thankfully got blown the @#$% up (to move to WB's Supernatural). We got a new show intro, still the same song. Other than that, let's hope the rest of the season doesn't suck. We look forward to more Brainiac and an episode with Aquaman!
A Word From Jenny...
Wednesday, September 28

Jenny sent out a mass e-mail to people the other day. For those of you who didn't get it, here it is. It seems she's doing well and having fun. I'm happy for her.
Hello Everybody!!!
I'm sorry to be impersonal by sending out one mass email, but please write me back and I can start emailing you directly! I should have done a better job of tracking email addresses, so feel lucky if you get this because I am missing so many.
Anyway, Paris is an absolutely amazing city. It has all the excitement of big cities like New York and Chicago, with so much more flavor!! There are probably at least 3 cafe's in each city block and patisseries and tabacs everywhere. I have a cute yellow loft apartment (it even has a fun bright red door) and one roommate - Anne. We live right by "Le Bastille" (if you don't know what that is you should google it - it's fairly famous!) My roommate and I get along really well. I love it here. I'm trying to contrive a way to bring back a sporty Smart car with me - they are so cute!!! and talk about great miles per gallon!
I've already seen a lot of the city in my first couple weeks thanks to the wonderful Metro transportation system. Other than doing the touristy stuff and drinking lots of coffee and wine, I actually have to study and read a lot. Lame, I know! :) The program that I'm in is for Western Civilization so I get to read stuff like Voltaire, Illiad, Descartes, Aristotle, Locke...yes it's all so thrilling. I'm also taking an Art History class - which pretty much involves visiting the Louvre and other art museums every other day - and a European Culture class. On a side note, I saw the Mona Lisa yesterday and found it to be overrated. I did really enjoy seeing the van Gogh collection though.
The men in France are very flirty, and I hear they are more so in Italy (where I'll be going in a few weeks). One guy actually got on bended knee and proposed to me in a coffee shop the other day. Thank God he spoke English or I would have been really confused by what was happening.
I don't actually speak any French so getting my point across has been interesting. Eating out is definitely an adventure - half the time I just pick something on the menu and hope for the best. So I've tried some interesting dishes - to include a raw beef salad. Yuck. (I thought choosing a salad would be a safe bet but I was incredibly wrong!) These people eat some crazy food.
Later this week I'll be going to Normandy and Brittany, as well as visiting the Notre Dame check back for more stories! I hope everyone is doing well, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Take care,
P.S. Don't worry, I'm still showering.
Fuck Off!
Tuesday, September 27

Go here and tell Family Guy's Stewie what you want him to do.
Thanks to Eric for showing me this.
New Media Tuesday

Just a quick run down on stuff that came out.
Movies, there is of course the new Family Guy DVD... the Untold Story of Stewie or whatever. I enjoy the show, and I look forward to seeing this, but not too sure about buying it. Lords of Dogtown came out. I want to see this. I'll definetly rent this one soon. Um... a new Evil Dead 2 release came out today, this time with the Book of the Dead cover, kind of like what they did with an Army of Darkness release years back, where the cover feels and looks like the Necronomicon. Oh yeah, and Robots came out too.
Music, eh. Sheryl Crow has a new one. Toni Braxton, Lil' Kim... some other musicians. Eh, who cares.
That's it for this week. Can't wait for things to pick up, it IS getting closer to Christmas after all.
His Name is Smallwood

His name's on the cover!
Greg's 'Bub' cover for Day of the Dead has been sent back with the cover title and credits. Day of the Dead #1 should be solicitated in November's Previews and in stores hopefully in January.
On a side note, they changed the Dead Dog logo. Thank god. Looks better now. Almost looks like Dark Horse's logo.
Congratulations to you again Greg. I'm really excited for ya!Comic Book Run!

Saturday I got about three weeks of comics. Only thing different this time around was I got them delivered to me. Thanks go out to my friends who went to Lawerence to get them. I was probably going to go this Thursday, but convenience got the best of me.
DC's Infinte Crisis is picking up. Can't wait for all these stories to finally mean something. Not that some of these books aren't good. Picked up two issues of Marvel's New Avengers. Got to admit, I'm enjoying the Marvel Universe.
After handing my stash to me, I got a bit of a talking too. Both Greg and Brian were trying to persuade me to change stores. About a third of me is convinced to do so. I so do love the nice monthly trips to Lawrence. Keep working on it guys. Perhaps I'll be convinced yet.What's Up Chuck?
Monday, September 26

On Saturday I got a letter from Chuck. I typed it up all nice and neat (cause Charlie doesn't really have the best handwriting... neither do I... I'm just saying), so here it is!
Hello All,
Things here are going good so far. I haven't actually started basic yet, but I've been issued all of my cool gear. It's been a lot of fun. There are a lot of crazy people in my platoon. We're always laughing, and always doing push-ups. Probably the most funny thing was, we where at rollcall, and the guy "cassanova" gots his number called to line-up. But he just sits there with the deer in the headlights routine. It looked like he was going to say something but he didn't. Anyway the Drill Sergant got up in his face and said, "Beat your face!" we laughed, even though we didn't know it means do push-ups, and cassanova didn't know it either. So he's still staring blankly, and Drill Sergant just starts yelling "Beat your face! Beat your face! it was classic. It really is surprisingly chill right now. The non-commissioned officers are always joking around with us, and giving us shit. There is one guy here with a superman tattoo, and when we where getting our vaccination shots, he said something like "man of steel my foot, I just stuck five needles in you." Anyway, there is always something going on, and it keeps me busy, but I'll try and keep you all posted. Oh yeah, since I'm not actually in basic, I don't have a return address yet. As soon as I do I'll let you know. Well I guess that's about it right now, when you party for Halloween have a drink for me. =P
As always
Charlie Jones
Post Number Sixty-Nine

Hello all,
It's been an alright weekend. I worked both days, but on my down time I just took it easy. If I could help it I was either watching TV or sitting in front of the computer.
Because I went to a concert on Tuesday I didn't get to watch the premiere of 'My Name is Earl' on NBC. However I did get Rachael to record it for me and so I finally watched that. I really liked this show and how they put it together. The show would mention something from the past, and then cut-away to a flashback to the reference. It did this a lot, which for the show worked and at most times was funny. So I'm glad this is working for Jason Lee. Let's hope he'll never have to do a 'Stealing Harvard 2' now.
Had some free time all to myself over the weekend so what do I do? I put in 'Star Trek Nemesis' and watched it really fucking loud! Yeah! Ok, I'm a nerd. I hate you too. Shut up.
My friend Sheldon is in town visiting for a few days. Just came in on Sunday. My girlfriend and I were eating at Applebees when he returned our phone call. He ate with us and eventually came over to the house and all three of us ended up watching 'A Lot Like Love' which wasn't too bad for being a chick flick. Actually more like a date movie, but didn't plainly suck.
Watched two more episodes of Justice League on Cartoon Network. Read some comic books. That was the weekend. Nothing too exciting.
Concert... Again!
Thursday, September 22

Went to another concert on Thursday night. Went to the Beaumont Club with my girlfriend and two of my friends Eric and Greg to see Smile Empty Soul, Cold, and Crossfade.
It had been a while since I was last in the Beaumont Club, or in a setting like that for a concert even. So I got to once again experience the compact feeling of being squished by my fellow human beings, watch some of them form mosh pits, and help crowd surfers on their merry way. And did I mention the heat and the sweat? But it was fun.
Smile Empty Soul is a band I like. I used to listen to their album a lot when it came out, so I was psyched to see them. I think out of the four I was the only one interested in seeing them. Their performance was ok, not great, and so we made way to Cold. Now Cold was the star of the show. They kicked ass. This was the band with the most albums under their belt, and they knew how to play a concert. Their stage show was nicely done. Another stage change later we have the headliner: Crossfade. The crowd was really crazy for this band. Personally, I only really dug like four songs from their album, but as they played, realized I must have listened to a lot of the album to recognize a lot of what they were playing. They weren't as good as Cold though, they were louder though. I think they cranked the dial a bit. My ears are still ringing.
No more concerts for a while. Time to cool down. And the worst part? Disturbed is coming in November. DAMN!
I Like the Pretty Colors

On Tuesday my girlfriend and I went to Pizza Hut for lunch. When we were about to leave a gentleman approached us "from the paper" and asked if we'd like to answer a poll question. Always a whore to be published, I said ok. However being the intellectual that I am, became a deer in headlights when asked "What is your favorite thing about fall?" I said what was honestly my favorite thing about fall, which is the temperature change, but then after asking my name an what I do, I dreaded a headline something like this:
Local mailroom boy likes fall because it's cold.
So anyway, "the paper" turned out to be the Lansing Current, whatever that is... and the above is what's on their site. We were also in Thursday's Lansing Current. Grab yours while you still care!
Wednesday, September 21

Last night I went with my father to see the Allman Brothers Band at the Uptown Theater. This has been I think the fifth time I've seen them now. It wasn't really one of their best performances, but I still had a good time.
The opening act was something. Right at 7:00, the scheduled show time, these five women come on stage and just pick up instruments and start playing... hard. It wasn't like, heavy rock or anything, but I was seriously wondering why this band was opening for the Allman Brothers. I was really impressed by the jamming and solos played by these ladies. They had worked the room with their energy, you could tell everyone was getting into it. In fact, I'd say due to the lackluster performance by the "Brothers", I enjoyed this band more.
The band is called Antigone Rising, a bunch of early thirty-something ladies from Jersey. They sound like Stevie Nicks, Dixie Chicks, Alanis Morressette, and Melissa Etheridge mixed with the Allman Brothers. Good stuff, really... trust me. TRUST ME DAMN IT! After they played their single, the lead singer said their video was playing on CMT, which at first I though, "This isn't Country Music?", but then I realized the crap that gets played on MTV and VH1 and realized their particular sound didn't fit the MTV culture of Green Day and Jessica Simpson.
The rest of the concert? Well, some kid (probably my age) got drunk two rows ahead of us and almost got into it with some gentlemen because, frankly, the kid was being an idiot. So sad. So he was kicked out. And the smell of pot didn't fill the air until the last couple of songs. Usually it takes little to no time for somebody to light up at these things. What's wrong with you people?!?
After the concert, my Dad and I lined up outside to get a CD. A CD? Let me backtrack. There was a table in the lobby before the concert that was selling live CD's, of the concert we were going to watch. Fifteen minutes after the concert is over we had it on CD. How cool is that? I wish these people did that at every concert. I'd have a nice little collection.
Later. Till then, my ears be' a ringin'.
New Media Tuesday
Tuesday, September 20

Music. Disturbed, one of my favorite grunting rock bands, released their new album today called Ten Thousand Fists. It's cover features some Todd McFarlane artwork and surprisingly missing an explict lyrics label. Excuse me? When did these guys stop saying stuff like Mother Fuck in their songs? Humm... guess I'll just have to listen to the album to find out what their "softer side" sounds like.
Some other stuff came out, Ryan Cabrera or however you spell it. Um.. oh yeah, a CD of Rockstar performances. Not OF rockstars mind you, I mean from the TV show Rockstar: INXS. Pretty much all songs are from the first two episodes aired. Some tracks are decent. I wouldn't buy it.
DVD's. Um... the Longest Yard remake featuring Adam Sandler came out. It's what you'd get if you took an older film, gave it to MTV to remake, and have it star a few comedians. Because that's what it is. I didn't think it was bad, but it does borderline the edge of a Rob Schneider film, so it's not for everybody.
Inside Deep Throat came out. Ha. Sorry, this film documentary talking about the porn by the same name and such. Might be interesting. Desperate Housewives season one was released. Yippie.... Scary Movie 3.5? I think we said everything that needed to be said with Scary Movie 3. Something like stop. Ok, that's about it... oh that and MALLRATS X! Behold in it's ten year glory! The movie that started it all for me and everything Kevin Smith. I had a late start yes, Mallrats have been out on VHS for a few years, but after hearing about it, and having its comic book ties, I remember falling instantly in love it it.
"Son of Jor-el... kneel before ZOD! Snoochie Boochies."
Local Boy Makes Good
Monday, September 19

Leavenworth's very own (and a good friend of mine) Greg Smallwood has taken his next step toward his goal as a professional comic book artist: He has now been solicitated in September's Previews - The Comic Shop's Catalog. Although it would have been nice to see his name in print on the page, make no mistake, that is his cover gracing the top of the page.
Congratulations Greg! I very much look forward to your next project in an up-coming issue of Previews.
The Return of Lobster Boy and the Legion of Doom
Saturday, September 17

Howdy everybody!
Today was a good day.
Woke up this morning to go to my company's family picnic. This will be the second year in a row that I've gone. The first that I got to bring my girlfriend with me.
It wasn't bad, I ate more than my fair share of food, talked to a bunch of people from work, and ended up playing catch with one of my co-workers. I also walked away with one bitchin sunburn. So the red on my Superman tatoo shows up better now. My arms are on fire too, but...
Came home. Did some dishes. My woman cooked some BBQ chicken for me. Yummie. We watched Fever Pitch and to my surprise, really liked it. And Jimmy Fallon wasn't an ass clown in this. He was actually low key.
Then... and then... 9:00 rolls by and what is starting on Cartoon Network? The new season of Justice League Unlimited!!! Two episodes back to back!!! Yeah!!!
Episode #27 - We Are Legion
Original Airdate - September 17th 2005 - Season Premiere
Lex Luthor escapes from a maximum security prison, only to be invited to join Grodd's unstoppable Legion of Doom.
Episode #28 - Shadow of the Hawk
Original Airdate - September 17th 2005
Batman is suspicious of Shayera's new boyfriend, a mysterious archeologist with sinister ties to her Thanagarian past.
That was my Saturday.
Goblet Under Fire
Thursday, September 15

HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE Emma Watson as Hermione, Rupert Grint as Ron and Daniel Radcliffe as Harry
At the bottom is a link to the new U.S. trailer. I liked the international trailer better because it mixed Harry Potter with an epic Lords of the Ring feel mixed with Mortal Kombat if you can believe that. It didn't show as much or have as much dialogue as the U.S. trailer. It's all good though.
Can't wait for it to come out. HA HA HA!
Puddy Good Gift
Wednesday, September 14

A co-worker of mine (a fellow cat person) gave me a gift today. Or rather my cat Puddy a gift. A new window perch, complete with little paw prints. How cute.
Since she is a regular visitor here at Gjskier23dotcom, I thought I'd post this in appreciation.
Thanks "Catwoman".
New Media Tuesday
Tuesday, September 13

Hey, stuff came out this week. Here's the run down.
We've got The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which looked very odd and different to me, therefore made the decision to NEVER SEE THIS FILM. But I'm quick to make up my mind about things like that. Fever Pitch came out, and at one time I was going to see this in the theatres. For now, I'll just rent it or something. Not like Jimmy Falon has been in any great films (except for Almost Famous).
The Coal Miner's Daughter: 25th Anniversary Edition came out. I remember watching this when I was younger and actually liking it. It's a biography of Loretta Lynn staring Sissy Spacek and Tommy Lee Jones. I wouldn't mind seeing this again now that it's come out on DVD. It's a good film.
In a long line of straight to video movies, I give you Today You Die, staring Steven Seagal. Nobody takes this man serious. So why should you? Infact, if you have seen ANY Seagal movie, then you've seen this one too. He gets mad at a 2x4 and kicks it in-half. Something blows up, and he says something witty, which also makes you cringe. Moving on.
SMALLVILLE SEASON FOUR! Yeah, that's on DVD today. Thinking I might get that one. Just maybe. If you get it now, you get a bonus disc with an episode of the Flash, season one with it. Yeah! The third season of Taxi is out. That was a good show. Probably get that sometime down the line.
Music, well... a hand full of country stuff came out. So I'll skip that and mention that Switchfoot and Trapt released their new albums today. I can't recall hearing anything on the radio about new singles, so I'm so-so about them.
Former Bush front man Gavin Rossdale (yes, Bush is no more) put out a new album with his new band Institute. Yeah, nice name. I'm thinking Billy Corgan and Zwan. Sorry Gavin. Let your wife Gwen bring home the money. I hear she's real popular with the kiddies.
Bonnie Raitt came out with a new one along with Paul McCartney. Along with Eric Clapton's new album a few weeks back, it's cool that they are still making music and all... but nobody really cares. Hell, the Rolling Stones came out with a new album last week. And they're going on tour too. Do you really think anybody gives two squirts of piss if they play anything NEW on their tour? No.
Again, I'm out of the loop for video games. I know there are a few coming out in the next few months that I'll want to get. Just in time for Christmas, so I should probably keep tabs on them. Other than that, looking to next Tuesday.
Riverfest 2005
Saturday, September 10

You see, back in the day when I was younger there were a few little celebrations the city observed. But a few years ago the powers-to-be crammed them together into what they referred to as Riverfest. And so over the weekend, the quaint little town of Leavenworth celebrated Riverfest, and like every year I decided to see what the big deal was.
Wow. Do people just don't care anymore or what? Driving downtown I park around the block where last years Fest had started. Not realizing that around said corner, the vendors were not there. Nor in the next block. Two whole city blocks void of church flyers, expensive hot dogs, and crappy hand made jewelry. Rest assured, I found all of those things after walking two blocks. But I was left with the feeling that nobody cared to even show up to this event. And if I remember right I think it rained last year too. Beside the point.
I ate my hot dog. Saw the wonderful Leavenworth fire truck. Oooh. Walked by a few vendors, including the Leavenworth Public Library? And yes, was handed a flyer for some church, thingy. Whatever that was.
Later around 9:00 that night, I hear a "boom" outside my house. My girlfriend and I walk out to my backyard to discover that both, living next to the river and being so close to downtown, we have a wonderful view of a firework display across the river. So grabbed my camera. Enjoy!
It Has Returned...

For those of you who like to plan months in advance I present to you....
So this is it. It's official now. Saturday, October 29 at 8:30. My third annual costumed affair!
*For my regular site visitors: You are invited to join! Costumes are encouraged and although some beverage will be around, it would be in your best interest to bring something you'd enjoy to drink along. And please... PLEASE... if you want to bring a guest, do send me an e-mail. If anything, just as a courtesy. I'd just like to play a bit of crowd control.
Ok, the countdown has begun. I can hardly wait.
The Picture of Everything
Bored artist starts doodling. Two years later, he's drawn every single thing ever.
"I started with a sketch of Spider-Man," says artist Howard Hallis. "Then I drew other superheroes around him." That led to other cartoons, then real people and places. "It just kept growing." Hallis says.
At the end of two years, the massive, six-by-14 foot doodle covered 144 pieces of paper. According to Hallis, the image depicts every single thing in existence. He even named it The Picture of Everything.
In the Proud Tradition of 'Team America' and 'Robot Chicken' - Gjskier23dotcom
Friday, September 9
With blockbuster celebrity trials in catastrophic (though probably temporary) shortage, Court TV has had to get creative to feed the American viewing public's demand, if any, for famous people behaving badly.
So Court TV has turned to puppets. Or maybe they're marionettes. Whatever. In a show that closely resembles Cartoon Network's 'Robot Chicken', Court TV has created 'The Smoking Gun'.
The premise: Puppets and marionettes and bobblehead dolls that vaguely resemble celebrities act out the celebs' various real-life misdeeds, alleged and proven. The details are, as they say, ripped from the headlines, or rather from police records and legal documents, such as the arresting officer's account of Diana Ross's drunken-driving incident and David Gest's lawsuit against his allegedly physically abusive former wife, Liza Minnelli.
"SGTV" looks something like a backyard show staged by 7-year-olds, only with a smaller budget. It features hand-painted sets and props that probably took no more than an hour to create. It's all supposed to be slapdash and flimsy to enhance the devil-may-care spirit of the show, but it makes "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" look like a Spielberg production in comparison.
Court TV programming chief Marc Juris points out the obvious advantage of using puppets to re-create events: The events themselves weren't caught on tape (indeed, several involve disputed facts), and puppets work cheap. Besides, it's not like the celebrities were available. "Diana Ross wasn't too keen on re-creating the arrest," he said. "I think [using human look-alikes] doesn't bring any enhanced sensibility to a show."
Visit to watch a clip of a bunch of elderly people (puppets of course) bar room brawl at a retirement home over the salad bar. The show isn't stupid funny, but the fact that it's a recreation true events is kind of funny. Like William Shatner narrating Rescue 911 and the reenactments were puppets. Ha. That'd be funny.
"Mystery Science Theatre 3000" it isn't.
So Court TV has turned to puppets. Or maybe they're marionettes. Whatever. In a show that closely resembles Cartoon Network's 'Robot Chicken', Court TV has created 'The Smoking Gun'.
The premise: Puppets and marionettes and bobblehead dolls that vaguely resemble celebrities act out the celebs' various real-life misdeeds, alleged and proven. The details are, as they say, ripped from the headlines, or rather from police records and legal documents, such as the arresting officer's account of Diana Ross's drunken-driving incident and David Gest's lawsuit against his allegedly physically abusive former wife, Liza Minnelli.
"SGTV" looks something like a backyard show staged by 7-year-olds, only with a smaller budget. It features hand-painted sets and props that probably took no more than an hour to create. It's all supposed to be slapdash and flimsy to enhance the devil-may-care spirit of the show, but it makes "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" look like a Spielberg production in comparison.
Court TV programming chief Marc Juris points out the obvious advantage of using puppets to re-create events: The events themselves weren't caught on tape (indeed, several involve disputed facts), and puppets work cheap. Besides, it's not like the celebrities were available. "Diana Ross wasn't too keen on re-creating the arrest," he said. "I think [using human look-alikes] doesn't bring any enhanced sensibility to a show."
Visit to watch a clip of a bunch of elderly people (puppets of course) bar room brawl at a retirement home over the salad bar. The show isn't stupid funny, but the fact that it's a recreation true events is kind of funny. Like William Shatner narrating Rescue 911 and the reenactments were puppets. Ha. That'd be funny.
"Mystery Science Theatre 3000" it isn't.
Star Wars: Unoriginal
Wednesday, September 7

So here is the next wave, and hopefully last for 2005, of Star Wars Unleashed figures.
I'm not really impressed with these. No new characters to speak of, unless you count the Clone Trooper in a different uniform. It's not how I see it anyway. Chewbacca from Revenge of the Sith? Who cared about that little appearance? Give us characters who saw screen time for over a minute. Hell, give me Lando! How many Darth Vader variants are they going to rehash before Lando gets his due? Of course there are characters who should get unleashed before the Rebels mighty general. How about Qui-Gon? Yeah, he bit the dust early, big deal. What about Durge from the Clone Wars? Gimmie Kit Fisto! Anything!
I suppose I get to look forward to a Luke (Storm Trooper) figure, or even a Chewbacca in handcuffs too! Hell, I give up.
Star Wars: Re-Cloned
Tuesday, September 6

Title: Star Wars: Clone Wars
Starring: N/A (Animation)
Released: 6th December 2005
Further Details
Fox Home Entertainment has announced Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume 2 in which Jedi heroes Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi continue their valiant fight to stop the evil Separatists led by General Grievous. All five 12-minute chapters of Volume 2 are included in this release, chronicling Anakin's rise to Jedi Knight as well as General Grievous' daring attack against the Republic capital, leading directly into the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Extras will include commentary by Tartakovsky and his team of artists, a "Connecting the Dots" featurette that takes audiences inside the creative process and shows how the series connects to Episode III, concept art, storyboards, sketches, trailers for upcoming LucasArts video games, and an Xbox playable demo of two entire levels from Battlefront II.
Labor Day Weekend

Hello everybody!
Alright, here's my weekend in a nutshell.
Friday: Got off of work and went to Nebraska Furniture Mart to visit my Mom and look around. Too poor to actually purchase anything. The rest of the night is a blur really. All I remember is going to bed at 9:00. That's amazing to me.
Saturday: I worked at K-mart that morning. I had to finish up a mess of a layout for the TV wall. I did enjoy setting up a new 42' TV. I mostly watch television at work so I don't mind much displaying a widescreen projection set. HA HA HA HA! After work I went with my girlfriend Rachael to her cousin's wedding shower. A wedding shower you may be asking? Yeah, it was a couples thing. First one for me. It was just like a family gathering, however their were presents at the end, and most of them were for the bride to be anyway. I didn't mind so much being there, I talked to people I knew and later, FREE food! And it was good stuff too. They went all out.
Sunday: Worked in the morning again. K-mart was wearisome. After that I went to my Dad and Stepmom's house. We updated each other on what's going on with our lives and I was invited to a family cookout on Labor Day. I left to go home to set up for a party at my house for two of my friends who were going away.
The party was fun. I originally didn't invite a lot of people so I thought it was going to be low-key sort of affair, just sitting around and drinking. But an hour into it, more folks showed up and more people got drunk and well... I had fun. So did others it would seem. I'll try to have a picture gallery up soon. I've been trying to find an online gallery site so I can put up my pictures that way. I would rather stay away from Yahoo! Photo Gallery, so if somebody knows of something better, I'm up for suggestions.
Monday: Party ended at 4:00am. A whole six hours later I wake up to take one of my friends Charlie home. I get back in time to shower and get ready for the family cookout. Great! More free food! I end up stuffing my self with hot dogs and hamburgers and go home to rest up. I end up wasting away the evening infront of the computer, kind of like what I'm doing now, and that's a weekend. Ta ta!
New Media Tuesday

This week is a lost cause, pun intended, so I'll just get right to it.
All the big DVD releases seem to be box sets and special editions. First we've got Lost. A very popular show on ABC that I don't watch. Then we've got Charmed, a show that I've seen a few times, only cause it follows Smallville on Sundays. It's about a half past retarded, but hey, what do I know. I get people coming into K-mart all the time asking when the next season comes out.
Then we get to Married... with Children. Here's a little bit of trivia for you. Those of you familiar with the show remember the Frank Sinatra song introducing the show "Love and marriage" yes? Well, when the third season was released on DVD, they (those who owned the rights to the show), no longer had rights to the song. So it was changed. When it comes to the show, it's the little things like that, that make a difference. And it's not just Married... with Children that do it. There've been other instances in older shows that have done that. It's the main reason why one of my favorite shows "WKRP: In Cincinnati" has not been released yet. It's too expensive to get the rights for the songs they aired. Ugh!
Lastly, we have Toy Story the 10th Anniversary Edition. Jeez has it been ten years already. Do you all feel older yet? Yeah, do you remember 1995? How time ticks by.
Nothing that I know of music wise came out. Kinda a slow week.
Art Critic Burns in Hell

A visitor to an art museum in western Austria pulled a pocket knife from her purse and repeatedly slashed a painting by U.S. pop artist Roy Lichtenstein, a police spokesman said Sunday. I only mention this cause Lichtenstein is one of my favorite artists.
The woman, a 35-year-old German from Munich, was visiting the Kunsthaus Bregenz exhibition "Roy Lichtenstein — Classic of the New" on Saturday afternoon when she slashed the painting "Nude in Mirror," police spokesman Thomas Prodinger said. She made four cuts, each measuring almost 12 inches, Prodinger said.
The painting, owned by The Rush Family Collection in New York, had been insured for $6 million, he said. Lichtenstein died in 1997 at age 73.
A museum visitor and an employee held the woman until police arrived. She scratched a police officer in the face and bit another in the leg during questioning, Prodinger said.
The woman, whose identity was not released, had been examined by a court psychiatrist and faces a charge of causing grave property damage, a crime that carries a punishment of up to five years in prison, Prodinger said. And then she can die and burn in hell.
On It's New Night and Time...
Saturday, September 3
Monthly Comic Book Run!

Here's something else I'll be posting, every time I make a run for comics. A posting of my trips to collect my stash. This month, twenty-two comics (20 DC Comics, 1 Marvel, and 1 Image), a Wizard Magazine, and two hat boxes.
I took a friend who wanted to join me 'the next time I went to get comics'. I obliged. So Wednesday after work, it was off to Lawrence we went. Considering how much a single issue costs today, I spent quite the pretty penny on my collection. Some of the shipping dates got a bit screwy and so I got two issues of both Batman and Green Lantern, and something like that will happen again next month, so that added a bit to it.
Usually I don't get that many in a month, but I've been sucked into this marketing thing DC has come up with, milking this count down to it's mega event 'Infinite Crisis'. Like most of what DC has down in the past, it's a 50/50 good and bad ratio. They'll build it up, throw in stupid stories, something dumb will happen, and then they'll do something for me to really like it again, and the cycle starts anew.
My other 'non' DC books included Marvel's New Avengers #9 and Image's Invincible #25. I started reading Invincible about two years ago when I picked up the first five books of its run at a local convention. Ever since then I've been hooked on a teen superhero book with a fresh continuity. Future plans as reported by Variety is that Paramount Pictures has bought film rights. Look forward to that one... whenever production starts.
Hail to the King Baby
Friday, September 2

Last Week....
I shouldn't really have to apologize for getting this up late, for I did type this up once. The day after it had happened really, but like I said once already it failed to upload, of course deleting it in the process. However, last friday night I got to meet the king himself Mr. Bruce Campbell.
A few friends and myself went to the Screenland Theatre in Kansas City where Campbell was to attend a book signing and a screening of his new movie. I bought a copy of his new book 'Make Love: The Bruce Campbell Way' and brought my DVD copy of 'Bubba Ho-Tep' to be signed.
We got there early, reserved our spot in line by a nice lady giving us a number. To kill time we walked to a nearby Denny's for grub. I think we only needed to kill a good hour or so before we were expected. However while waiting outside of the theatre, they failed to announce our group. We managed to squeeze our way inside after we knew something wasn't right. Indeed, we were a bit late, but only behind about fifty people or so out of line. Which considering I went from 71 in line to around 150, out of a total 450 or so, ain't bad.
I was nervous, I'll admit. The only real famous people I've ever meet so far have been comic book writers, artists, washed up actors making appearances at conventions, and Kevin Costner from across a four lane road. I didn't know what to say. I knew that I was going to thank him for coming through Kansas cause let's admit, a lot of people pass by the KC area. Which kinda sucks but I can understand. So, I let him know it was appreciated. He was very friendly and he kinda just talked. Which is fine. When he got to signing 'Ho-Tep' I mentioned how I enjoyed his 'King' commentary. He just kinda 'nudge' 'winked' at me and said "I don't know what you're talking about". Ha. Cute Bruce.
After meeting the man, all those other people just HAD to get autographs too, so I patiently waited for what must have been a few hours to wait for the screening of "The Man With the Screaming Brain". I got to admire the Screenland Theatre a bit. It's a very nice theatre/bar/place to chill. It's like a coffee house, minus the coffee. It's a once screen theatre, very nice. A middle row is devoted to leather reclining chairs. Props to the guy to owns it.
Before the show Campbell did a Q&A. The man was quick with the quips and humor. I would very much enjoy "An Evening With Bruce Campbell" if it were to come out on DVD. I learned that 'Screaming Brain' was a made for TV movie (Sci-Fi Channel). I had previously thought it was just a limited release, and we were getting a sneak peak. So it turned out to be the only theatrical showing of it in KC. The movie itself was obviously made for television as far as production was involved. Which isn't bad. It's just when you know it's television, you see television. Bruce was funny, but not always the focus. The comedy was spread around to the other actors. And it was really out there stuff too... Considering the plot is a man with two brains, not much can be said about anything 'out there'. A different version will be shown when it airs. Edited for time and content and all that crap. So I feel special. *Smile* I'll probably see this gem somewhere someday at a convention, so I'll have to pick it up then*. All around, a great evening to have been spent.
*Editor's Note: Bruce's official site notes a DVD release of 'Man With the Screaming Brain' of October 4th. My bad.